
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Something Miscellaneous

Just finished reading my fav author Chuck Palahniuk's new novel "Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey". There's a passage in there that i think is kinda cool and true for drivers.

From the pages of Green Taylor Simms( Historian): ........ Every time I operate a motor vehicle, all of what i treasure can be taken. Stolen in an instant without due process. When you're aboard a motor vehicle, death passes within a finger's length every few moments. Anytime a vehicle passes mine in the oncoming lanes, I could be subjected to torture more violent and painful than anything the world's dictators would ever stoop to inflict. Perhaps another driver has eaten nothing except hamburgers for his entire life, and as his car approaches mine on the freeway, his clogged heart fails. Blind with pain, he clutches his seizing chest. His automobile veers to one side, colliding with mine, and forcing me into another car, a gasoline tanker truck, a guardrail, over a cliff.
Despite my lifetime of declining rich desserts, my evenings spent jogging, regardless of all my careful moderation and self-discipline--I'm trapped, wadded inside a shell of steel and aluminium. My body, violated in countless places by fragments of broken glass. My low-cholesterol blood rushes to abandon me in hot, leaping spurts.
Despite all my care, the heart-attack victim and I will both be just as dead.
Accidents do happen.

Think of this when you next step into a vehicle.

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