
Saturday, June 16, 2007

o2 ?

if anybody is thinking of getting an O2 phone
think again ...
currently now im using a O2 atom
and it frickin' sucks ...
thought that after spending so much money onto it the service will be worth its every penny
but apparently its NOT ...
previously i heard that the service was good
that was before the servicing centre went over to dopod
and now the after sales service is bad
and when i mean its bad
its really BAD !!!
theres a price to everything
for example
just checking whether there is a problem with your phone
the service charge is $40+
(that is if your phone is out of warranty
and the warranty is only one year
so it expires quite fast
even so if its under warranty
then again it must be a hardware problem
if not they will charge the same amount
just to open your phone up)
there is additional cost if a part needs tweaking
or to be change
like the directional pad
mine wasnt spoil
it was just insensitive
for the person to tweak it back to normal
he charge me $5+ ...
i was like WTF man ?
that is not all
now they are having a new ROM for most PDA phones
windows mobile 6
and what do you know
they are not intending to upgrade O2 atom's ROM

This is the reply send back from O2 :

Thank you for contacting O2 Asia Technical Support.

With regards to your query below, kindly note that O2 Asia is planning to upgrade the Operating System of Xda Atom Life from Windows Mobile 5 to Windows Mobile 6 within the 2nd quarter of year 2007. This is a free update to all current Xda Atom Life users.Aside from that, O2 Asia has no plans to upgrade other models launched before the Xda Atom Life at this point of time.

Hope this information is useful. Thank You.

Warmest Regards,
Joanne Goh
O2 Technical Support (Email)
Asia Pacific Region
SACODE: jgoh#
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please visit

things couldnt get any better heh
i bet if they wanted to
they could upgrade the ROM
just like apple if they wanted to they can make iPod photo play video too
but noooooooo they just wanna make milk more $$$ from us ...
if this is really the case
then the money I spent on my Atom is the last time O2 get anything from me
why did i even bother getting an O2 in the first place ...
damn should have gotten a dopod or somethin
maybe an iPhone
hope this advice was helpful

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