
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sermon by Reverend Brimstone: God's Way or the HELL AND ETERNAL DAMNATION

A.N: The following is a sermon from Reverend Brimstone, and does not reflect the views of GOC. He is just using my account. I let him cause he's a scary scary man with scary followers.

*Cough*....DAMNATION!!!! ETERNAL DAMNATION!!!! That's the fate that awaits those that use GOD's teachings in vain!!!! I'm talking about that wretched pagan called Pseudo. How DARE he make a mockery of the teachings of the Holy Bible. Littering his post with vulgarity and quoting from a satanic author, and then rounding off with a verse from the holy book. Surely he must be the tool of the Devil!!

Take heed, you wretched scum, continue with your sinful ways, and you will find yourself getting aquainted with your master in hell much sooner than you expect! The servants of our Lord thy God are plentiful, and eager do his bidding. This is not a threat, just a warning to you and all lost sheep!!

On a lighter note, the charity drive to build the church a new swimming pool shall begin next month. All members of the congregation are expected to raise at least $100. No exceptions. This will be a test of your faith. God Bless Us All.

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