
Monday, June 05, 2006

It's karma baby

I've been watching the whole of season 1 of "my name is earl" that I got too busy to post. This show is about this guy named earl (like duh?) who discovered karma and trying correct all his wrongs. He made a list of the bad things he did and try to undo his wrongs. Decent show that will get you hooked and wanting to know what is next on the list that he wants to correct. Nadine Velazquez is the actress to look out for, she is just so damn hot to not be noticed!

Watching this show, it got me thinking about karma. Everytime something good that happens to you, something bad will follow if you're not doing any good deeds. For every rotten thing that you've done, a rotten thing will come back to you. The ying and the yang, balances the good and the evil. Although I never believed in it, it kind of hit me in the head after I watched this show.

After I got a new phone and a great posting in the army, I was hit with a week of fever and really bad cough. It was the worst fever n cough I had in a really long time. Thought about me not doing enough good deeds or helping others around me. All religions are actually pretty similar to karma; like when you do good, you get good returns. More you give, more you will prosper.

In Christianity, people talk about having a relationship with God and it is not just a religion. Don't the christians want good things to come their way as well that's why they are doing good and serving God wholeheartedly? You can't possibly have a religion and actually want bad things to happen to you. Think bout it, you can't just go into a religion blindly like it's some kind of trend. Go do something that's listed under warning, probably something good will come to you in the future.

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