
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Misguided Dreams?

I'm sure many of us have dreams and ambitions to be rich, successful, famous and/or powerful. Or a simpler way for some, find a rich, famous or powerful partner to marry. This caused me to ponder. Are these ambitions of us due to experience inadequacies, past generations unfulfilled desires or just plain ambition?

In simple terms, do those people who crave for wealth, come from poor families? Or is the drive to succeed and gain that elusive goal due to your parents failed ambitions? Or in the last case, is it due to prolonged exposure to power, fame etc. that causes us to lust after them?

I'm sure the last two paragraphs got you thinking about your goals and dreams in life. What do we really want? And what are we chasing for? In the end, will life just come full circle again, and unfulfilled dreams of yesterday become dreams of tomorrow?

Most of us by now will be staring at this post and wondering what our goals, aspirations and ambitions are, and do we need to change or set new ones again. (As for those with no proper ambitions, I suggest that you start thinking and carry them out now.) The point is are our ambitions what we really need and not what we really want?

Most of us harp and crave after money and power, but what happens after we attain them? Do you really think you'll be happy? We strive to fulfil our lustful desires for them, but many a times people come out unfulfilled and dissatisfied. At the end of our lives, are we going to attain all the wealth, power and fame, and realise that life was just a misguided adventure?

My friends, I believe that finding out what we really need, is the key to attaining our true goals in life - fulfilment and happiness. We may obtain all the wealth, power and fame in this world, but trust me it's temporary and never enough, because man by nature have this unending thirst for them.

Despite all this negativity that I brought about regarding wealth, power, fame etc., I would like to emphasize that with them, we could do a lot to help others and improve their lives. So to end off, we should make do with our lives, do our best, achieve the impossible, break all boundaries, yet be prepared to leave without a trace.

"The Best is Yet to Be."

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