Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
House of Health (episode 2)
From zero to hero, from fat to fit, from a lump of fats to 6 pacs, all these need time, strength and most importantly determination. Before I went into this fitness programme, I was actually a plump and flabby boy who weighed about 70kg. What actually made me to go into regular gymming is actually peer pressures. My friends kept teasing me about my weight, how fat I was and at first, I was never disturbed by their teasings. However, as time passed by, I realised that my heavy weight was giving me alot of problems. I couldn't play sports as agile as I wanted to, no stamina in running and most importantly, I looked bad in shape. And so, it was in August 2007, I decided to hit the gym, worked it out at home, and got myself into proper dieting. Initially, it was really a torture as I have never gymmed so many days in a week b4 but somehow, I got used to it. I started to do my research on supplements-protein and various type of workouts to get myself shaped up. After half a year of regular gymming, working out at home and protein shakes, I finally see some results on my body. Not that fantastic though but I have gotten what I wanted and my effort had paid off. Let me now share some of my home usual workout with you guys, might not be the best but it works. Try it and you'll know it.
Daily home work-out includes:
- 2oo sit ups. For me, I do 100 sit up per set but if you all want, you can try splitting them into 4 sets of 50. It will be good if you do ur sit up slowly and do not try using momentum.
- 200 levered push ups. Lift your feets off the ground and hands on the ground shoulder width apart, get your chest as close as to the ground before lifting yourself up. Try in sets of 30.
- For those who have a pull up bar at home, you can try using the pull up bar to train ur back muschles and your pecs.
- Do squats. Feets apart, tiptoe, body straight and squat down to touch your ankle with your hand. Do 4 sets of 50.
- To end your home work out, get yourself into push up position and push yourself down as close as to the floor and stay there for at least 60s before lifting yourself up again. Do it twice and you'll feel good afterwards.
Health tip: Remember, mind over body. Nothing is impossible until you try it.
Fucked up by
10:12 PM
I agree with most of the stuff you said about staying healthy. But I have to say, I don't agree that having breakfast should be taken between 630am to 9am. Because what if you happen to be up at 9am? Or 10am? Are you not going to have breakfast then? I heard that it's important to have breakfast as close as possible to the time that you wake up. So, having a designated time for breakfast is unnecessary and unrealistic.
And by the way, you are NOT Jason Mraz...! Imposter!
Fucked up by
a bruised pinky toe
12:35 AM